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Augusta, GA Newborn Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II The Books (and Podcasts) that Keep Me Going

October 16, 2020

Hi, I'm Mary Beth.
I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and favorite recipes.
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Someone asked me recently about my favorite podcasts that I’ve listened to recently and I rattled off a few that I just listened to on a long drive home to Augusta, Ga from a visit with my sister, they were all about growing my business and being a more efficient business woman. Then they asked me about any favorite books I’ve read lately and I rattled off an even bigger list of books about growing my business and being a more efficient business woman. Anyone noticing a pattern here? They (and I) quickly realized that I’m really into learning how to effectively and efficiently run a small business, while still maintaining being present with my family and keeping a smidge of sanity. Kidding about that last one! (but am I?) So I thought I would give all the lovers of everything efficient and effective a list of some must read’s and listen to’s.

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The first podcast I rattled off was The Brendon Show with Brendon Burchard as it’s one I recently was binge listening to. If you don’t know anything about him he’s one of the world’s leading high performance coaches and one of the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures. He’s basically all about how to live an extraordinary life, which aren’t we all? So when an 8 hour car ride was put in front of me, I turned him on and got to learning!  He is so inspiring and I would highly recommend his podcast, his book, High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way and following him on Instagram. He’s that good! I’ve learned a lot that correlates to my business, but I’ve also learned a lot about myself; my strengths, weaknesses, what my goals are and how I can push myself to get there, efficiently. All good things!

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Another household name is Dave Ramsey. If you don’t know the name, just do a google search and you’ll be down a rabbit hole so deep, you’ll forget all about making dinner and taking the kids to soccer practice! He’s a genius and I enjoyed his book, EntreLeadership so much! It’s basically his playbook for taking your business where you want it to go! Mel Robbins, I know, I know, I’m dropping some big names here. But they’re big names because they have great motivational tips. And not just for entrepreneurs, for everyday life too. The 5 Second Rule, along with the rest of her books, have changed millions of people’s lives. In this book she focuses on what we are all guilty of; holding ourselves back and that it doesn’t matter if you know what to do, you need to know how to get yourself to do it. She also has a podcast, Start Here, that is a great listen!

Some of my other favorite books, that I really do read for pleasure, are An Intentional Life by Karen Scott, The Go-Giver by John David Mann and Bob Burg and Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller. There is also Worth Every Penny by Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck, Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy and Start. by John Acuff.

I know this is a long list of what seems to be repetitive ideas, theories and practices. I know not everyone wants to read these types of books as they can be a bit heavy and demanding. But for me, I find that my business is not only a business, it’s my hobby.  It’s mine.  It starts and ends with me. I want to run it as effectively and as efficiently (have I used the words effectively and efficiently enough in this post?) as I possibly can. I’m not trying to reinvent any wheel and I am desperate to always keep learning.  I have come a long way in my business and I’m proud of that.  But I also have so many more goals to achieve.  These people, books and podcasts give me a chance to learn, listen and they light a fire under me to act.  And I’ve found that not only have these ideas and practices helped me support my business, they’ve helped shape me into a better friend, wife, mother and sister. So if you’re interested in a heavier read, or a podcast that could possibly get you over that hump; give one of these a read or a listen. It could just change your life! (now I’m starting to sound like Mel Robbins)


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