Augusta, GA
Newborn photography



Mary Beth's Photography


I'm a mom who knows how important it is to preserve memories and I want to help make sure you never miss a single moment.


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I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and  favorite recipes.

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Augusta GA Newborn Photographer images of Augusta Rocks | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – North Augusta Rocks }

Have you heard of this amazing, smile-making experience happening in our area? North Augusta Rocks is a great grass-roots effort to give back to others and spread sunshine! It is a really simple concept. The group started with a couple people who found rocks and painted them and then hid the rocks back and places […]

Augusta GA Newborn Photographer images of a Summer Fun Jar | Mary Beth's Photography


{Friday’s Favorite Things – Summer Fun Jar}

Oh sweet, sweet summer!! We, at the Cooper Household, are welcoming you with open arms (hopefully more tan open arms shortly). I am not sure what it is about summer, but I feel like a kid again – the freedom of life, the “let’s do this fun thing right now, just because we can” type […]

Images from an Outdoor Family Session for Mary Beth's Photography in Augusta, GA | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Family Portraits

Augusta,GA Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II Family Session

I have been photographing this family for quite a while now and always amazed how each of them have grown! We had a beautiful evening and they didn’t let a few (really a gazillion) mosquitoes stop us from getting some really great portraits!!

Augusta GA Newborn Photographer images of Cranberry Meatball recipe | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Cranberry Meatballs }

I have tonight’s dinner or better yet – Sunday dinner for your family!! Cranberry Meatballs! This is one of my family’s most favorite meals and it is SUPER EASY and goes in the crockpot. Mommy for the WIN! Here is the easy-peasey recipe – add all of this to your crockpot – 1 can of […]


Newborn Portraits

Augusta,Ga Newborn Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II Beach Themed Cake Smash

Walker Charles turned one and with summer fast approaching, so a beach theme seemed like a perfect fit!! I did my first hand painted canvas sky and created a fun beach scene! I loved the way it turned out! Happy Birthday Walker Charles!!


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© Mary Beth's Photography 2023

design by tonic

Instal by Leah Remillet

