Augusta, GA
Newborn photography



Mary Beth's Photography


I'm a mom who knows how important it is to preserve memories and I want to help make sure you never miss a single moment.


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I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and  favorite recipes.

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Images of Itrack Bites App from an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Itrack Bites | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Itrack Bites App } | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

If you haven’t guessed it yet, I love food. I really do. I love a good meal with my family and my friends. I love to plan out what meals I am making my family; what surprise items I can buy for them at the grocery store and what I can purchase for lunches through […]

Images from a 1st Birthday and Woodland Cake Smash Session for Mary Beth's Photography in Augusta, GA | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Newborn Portraits

Augusta, Ga Newborn Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II Dillon’s Fishing Cake Smash

What a fun session this was! I took big brother Carter’s 1st birthday portraits when he turned one!! So, now it was his brothers turn!! The amazing thing about this session was that this family had moved to North Carolina, but drove down to have me photograph him!! We did a fishing cake smash theme […]

Images of Kind Bar Maple and Pumpkin Seeds from an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Kind Bars | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Kind Granola Bar } | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

Oh yummy-ness is the theme these days in my house ever since I found the MOST TASTY granola bars! I mean, ya’ll know I am sucker for pumpkin, so when I was in Kroger and saw this amazing granola bar I just knew that I needed to try  – Kind Granola Maple and Pumpkin Seeds. […]

Images of Kindle favorites of an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Kindle | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Kindle } | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

I have to tell you that I love to read. Seriously, sometimes I have 4 or 5 books that I am reading, some for fun, business, personal growth or to share with my children. It really is a passion of mine, but one that I never could seem to find time for in my day-to-day. […]

Images of Costco Crack a favorite of an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Costco Crack | Mary Beth's Photography

Newborn Portraits

{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Costco Crack } | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

Oh my goodness! I am sorry to have to share this with you, but if you haven’t heard of this, then you must run to your Costco RIGHT NOW and find this – cheddar and caramel popcorn, G.H. Cretors Chicago Mix Popcorn! I know what you are thinking right now, “Mary Beth,you are crazy! Who […]


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© Mary Beth's Photography 2023

design by tonic

Instal by Leah Remillet

