Are you in the Augusta, GA area?? Have you been smelling the sweet aromas of Christmas cookies? Well, I am writing today to officially say, “You are welcome!” It is that time of the year and OH BOY, we haven’t given my oven a break… no seriously… my daughter and I love to bake Christmas cookies together and I just can’t resist when she asks to make them. I always chuckle, though, as I make the cookies. Things are bit different than when I was little! My Mom, sister and I would make cookies – are you ready for this – just because we liked the way the looked. I.AM.SERIOUS!! We would make disgusting (I am totally serious) sugar cookies and cookies that were twisted white and red candy canes. WE NEVER ATE THEM!!! Oh my! NOW, whatever we make we eat or give away – maybe we eat more than we give away, unloosen a belt buckle or two in December, anyone??

Some of my favorites are Peanut Butter cookies with Hershey Kisses, family traditions include Snickerdoodles, Nestle Toll House recipe Chocolate Chip cookies with a twist, colored sprinkles and 1/2 tsp of vanilla and 1/2 tsp of maple extract, Mocha Krinkles – chocolate cookies with powdered sugar – these single-handedly increase my waist size and my Grandmother’s Spiced Pecan’s. Maybe I can ask the Domino Sugar Company to sponsor my Weight Watchers membership! What are some of your family cookie or baking traditions?
Find out more about how I am “Capturing Life’s Beautiful Moments” in my All Natural Light Studio and On Location as the Augusta GA Newborn Photographer and Augusta GA Family Photographer in the greater Augusta, GA area by visiting my website
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