Augusta, GA
Newborn photography



Mary Beth's Photography


I'm a mom who knows how important it is to preserve memories and I want to help make sure you never miss a single moment.


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I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and  favorite recipes.

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Augusta GA First Birthday and Cake Smash Portraits | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Family Portraits

Augusta, Ga Photographer II Carter’s Monster 1st Birthday Cake Smash

Carter’s nickname ” Our little Monster” gave his parents the perfect idea for his 1st Birthday cake smash! Of course it had to be a fun monsters theme! I had so much fun creating these little monsters and Carter had fun smashing his monster cake!! He is one lucky boy, as he had both sets […]

Augusta GA First Birthday and Cake Smash Portraits | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Newborn Portraits

Augusta Ga Newborn Photographer II Andrew’s 1st Birthday Construction Themed Cake Smash

“Bob the builder …..can you fix it?? Bob the builder…yes you can!”. Can’t you just hear that song come through in this 1st Birthday Construction Themed Cake Smash? Andrew is turning 1 and his parents decided on a construction theme for the party and cake smash! Andrew is a member of my 1st Year Moments […]

Augusta GA Newspaper Themed First Birthday and Cake Smash Portraits | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

1st Birthday Portraits

Brayden’s 1st Birthday Cake Smash II Augusta, Ga Child Photographer

Extra, Extra read all about it…. Brayden Turns 1!! This precious boy came to my studio for his 1st Birthday Cake Smash! The theme was vintage paper boy and so I had fun using our local STAR newspaper for a fun background for his paper boy outfit! He was all smiles for his session and […]

Augusta GA First Birthday and Cake Smash Portraits | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Newborn Portraits

Augusta, Ga Newborn Photographer II Sprinkles Themed Cake Smash

Little Miss Claire came to my studio for a 1st Birthday Sprinkles themed cake smash! Oh how fun! There is something that makes me giggly when I hear the words sprinkles….like something fun is going to happen! Everything is better with sprinkles is definitely my motto! We did 1st birthday portraits first and then had […]


Newborn Portraits

Augusta Ga Photographer II Caden’s Cake Smash

Caden joined me last week for his First Birthday Cake Smash! This little boy melts my heart!! He is always all smiles when I photograph him and just so sweet! Truly one of the easiest babies to photograph! His theme was “Oh The Places You Go” by Dr. Seuss and so a hot air balloon […]


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© Mary Beth's Photography 2023

design by tonic

Instal by Leah Remillet

