Augusta, GA
Newborn photography



Mary Beth's Photography


I'm a mom who knows how important it is to preserve memories and I want to help make sure you never miss a single moment.


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I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and  favorite recipes.

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Let Your Kids Be Bored II Mary Beth’s Photography II Augusta GA Newborn Photographer

Parenting is hard. Let me say that again, parenting is hard. There is an endless amount of information, opinions from “experts” at every turn and judgement from other parents who are doing things differently. Modern parenting is exhausting. We are continuously told by society that our kids need to get into activities, find their passions, […]


Six Month Portraits

Harrison’s Six Month Portrait Session II Mary Beth’s Photography II Augusta GA Newborn Photographer

This Six Month Portrait Session with Harrison and his parents was just plain fun! It’s so much fun to watch these tiny babies grow into a personality. Harrison is one of the happiest little guys that’s ever come into the studio and these portraits show it. He’s curious, sweet and that smile is the most […]

newborn portrait

Newborn Portraits

Avelina’s Newborn Session II Mary Beth’s Photography II Augusta GA Newborn Photographer

Meet Avelina! ❤️ This sweet family came to my studio for their newest bundle of joy’s Newborn Portrait Session. The lighting in our studio is my absolute favorite thing. There’s never any doubt that the lighting will be portrait perfect! We had a few tricks up our sleeve at this session, both with big brother […]

family portrait

Family Portraits

Summer Date Nights II Mary Beth’s Photography II Augusta GA Newborn Photographer

This one is for you, the parents. It’s always important to make time for yourselves and take time away from your little loves. And as hard as it is to find a babysitter, get everything in the house ready and yourselves (showers are a luxury when you’re in the thick of motherhood 😉), it’s worth […]

maternity portrait


Happy Mother’s Day II Mary Beth’s Photography II Augusta GA Newborn Photographer

Happy Mother’s Day! I was so excited this week for our Expecting Mother’s Day Giveaway! It makes me so excited be able to do these giveaways and to be honest, picking up the diaper bag and all the cute little newborn essentials had me feeling all the feels.  Everything newborn is just really adorable! But, […]


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© Mary Beth's Photography 2023

design by tonic

Instal by Leah Remillet

