Augusta, GA
Newborn photography



Mary Beth's Photography


I'm a mom who knows how important it is to preserve memories and I want to help make sure you never miss a single moment.


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I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and  favorite recipes.

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Augusta GA Newborn Photographer images of 2nd and Charles Bookstore | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – 2nd and Charles Bookstore } | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

There are many reasons why I love living in the Augusta, GA area.  I also know the importance of finding a good deal and recycling what we are no longer using in our home.  Introducing one of my family’s favorite stores – 2nd and Charles Bookstore  Have you heard about this fabulous store? Here is the […]


Family Portraits

Augusta, GA Family Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II Cookies and Milk + Pajamas = Good times!!

The sweet Ayres family joined me on a rainy Saturday… we have been having a lot of these lately! Not to worry for my clients, as I have a fabulous all natural light studio that we can use for our sessions! It seems that I have this creative jolt when it comes closer to sessions…ahh…adrenaline […]

Augusta GA Newborn Photographer images of a Pong Cell Phone Case | Mary Beth's Photography


{Friday’s Favorite Things – Cell Phone Cases} | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

Technology has taken over!! I imagine that I am not the only one to feel this way, right? I mean, it is one of those unique items in life that is a blessing and curse. If my car breaks down, instead of having to walk to find a store, gas station, or a pay phone, […]


Family Portraits

Augusta, Ga Newborn Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II K Family Portrait Session

The K Family joined me for their family portrait session at Savannah Rapids Pavillion in Augusta, Ga on one of our first cooler fall like evenings. It felt so lovely out!! Fall is one of my favorite times of year and with the break in heat….. you can just tell that these cooler days are […]

Augusta GA First Birthday and Cake Smash Portraits | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography


Augusta, Ga Newborn Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II Caroline Turns 1 !

Sweet Caroline is turning 1 !! It has been such a joy for me to watch sweet Caroline grow up this year! From taking portraits of her before she was born in her mommies belly, to her newborn , then 6 month and now the year has come full circle…… she is now turning 1! […]


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© Mary Beth's Photography 2023

design by tonic

Instal by Leah Remillet

