Augusta, GA
Newborn photography



Mary Beth's Photography


I'm a mom who knows how important it is to preserve memories and I want to help make sure you never miss a single moment.


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I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and  favorite recipes.

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Augusta GA Newborn baby girl portrait | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Newborn Portraits

Augusta Ga Newborn Photographer II Lifestyle Session With Brett and Tara

Brett and Tara brought their sweet daughter to my all natural light studio for a lifestyle session! They wanted to document her at this stage- 4 months! She was so sweet and we were able to photograph many precious moments of them together! I know these will be forever cherished! And there is nothing sweeter […]

Augusta GA Newborn Photographer five images of painting a Very Hungry Caterpillar set | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Custom Sets } | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

I really can’t explain how much I have grown personally and professionally in the last year. Have you ever had one of those moments in life when all of a sudden, you have a “light bulb” moment? You know, maybe it comes to you when it is 3 a.m. or maybe it is when you […]

Augusta GA family portraits | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Newborn Portraits

North Augusta Newborn Photographer II Jaycie and Noah’s Session

Jaycie and Noah came for a visit to my new all natural light studio here in downtown North Augusta. These sweet children used to live right next door to us and are still in our neighborhood, just in a different section now!! This was Jaycie’s first portrait session and what a sweetheart she was and […]

Augusta GA 6 month boy portraits | Mary Beth's Photography | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer, Augusta GA Family Photography

Newborn Portraits

Augusta Ga All Natural Light Newborn Photographer II Brice’s 6 Month Session

Brice came to my studio for his 6 month session and what a little ham he is!! I cannot believe how big he has gotten since I saw him in October!! Even though he wasn’t feeling the best, you would never have known it by all the smiles we got!! Brice is a member of […]

Augusta GA Newborn Photographer four images of Valentine's Day preschool treats, cookies and the children who made them | Mary Beth's Photography


{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Valentine’s Day } | Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

As you know, I am not an island alone in this world of Mary Beth’s Photography. I am fortunate enough to employ a couple of talented women who help keep me and this career afloat, in a variety of ways – sometimes it is helping to set up for a photo shoot or develop a […]


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© Mary Beth's Photography 2023

design by tonic

Instal by Leah Remillet

