Augusta, GA
Newborn photography



Mary Beth's Photography


I'm a mom who knows how important it is to preserve memories and I want to help make sure you never miss a single moment.


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I'm Mary Beth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal to share my photography, with a sprinkling of my life and  favorite recipes.

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Sweet Treats for Valentine’s Day II Mary Beth’s Photography II Augusta GA Newborn Photography

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!!❤️ And while we don’t go all out, celebrating love seems very appropriate! So, for Sunday, I’ve got a few fun things you can whip up for or with your family just to brighten the day! First up is these adorable strawberry heart hand pies. They’re so tastey and the best part […]

Studio tour


Natural Light Studio Tour II Mary Beth’s Photography II Augusta GA Newborn Photographer

Welcome to my all natural light studio tour! It’s been a long journey to get here, but I am so thrilled with this studio, the light it provides, the space is comfortable without being too big and all my props, from headbands to chairs can be stored in a dare I say, The Home Edit […]

diy valentines day gift


Augusta Newborn Photographer II MaryBeth’s Photography II 14 Reasons Why I Love You Valentines Project

Are you a celebrate Valentine’s Day kind of family or a it’s nothing but a made up holiday and I’m still recovering from Christmas? I’d say I’m somewhere in the middle, we don’t go all out but we definitely like to do something small, fun and easy. I always want my family to know how […]

Mombassadors Program

Senior Portraits

Augusta, Ga Newborn Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II All NEW Mombassadors Program

I am beyond excited to announce the launch of our Mombassadors Program here at Mary Beth’s Photography. I’ve been thinking about this for some time and there’s never a better time than now right? If you are outgoing, authentic and love Mary Beth’s Photography this is for you! Nothing warms my hear more than when […]

photographer portrait

Newborn Portraits

Augusta, Ga Newborn Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II Friday Introductions

Happy Friday! It’s been awhile since I introduced myself around here and I thought today would be a good day for it. First things first, my name is Mary Beth Cooper and I am the owner of MaryBeth’s Photography. We’re going to fast forward through my childhood and get right to the good stuff! I […]


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© Mary Beth's Photography 2023

design by tonic

Instal by Leah Remillet

